
Movember Creating Mens Health Awareness

Did you know that every hour, more than 4 men die from potentially preventable conditions in Australia?

The reasons for the poor state of men’s health are numerous and complex and include: 

  • lack of awareness and understanding of the health issues men face;
  • men not openly discussing their health and how they’re feeling
  • reluctance to take action when men don’t feel physical or mentally well;
  • men engaging in risky activities that threaten their life
  • stigmas surrounding mental health and
  • men are less likely than women to seek help for health concerns and also less likely to use health care services.

The Movember Foundation aims to change this way of thinking by putting a fun twist on this serious issue. Using the moustache as a catalyst, the idea is to bring about change and give men the opportunity and confidence to learn and talk about their health and take action when needed.  The Foundation has the ambition to contribute to improving the lives of men around the world. This will be achieved through programs funded in the areas of – Awareness & Education, Living with Cancer, Research and Mental Health.

Click here to find out how Movember has impacted on men’s health and how you can participate.

 Source:, Tuesday 16 October 2014