
Pharmacy Ranks High as Service Provider

Congratulations to Amcal who ranked the highest average rating of 43% in this year’s International Customer Service Professionals awards. Amcal eclipsed the industry standard set at 36%.

25,000 reviews from 7,000 people were conducted by Feedback ASAP and AMR of various brand sectors, concluding with pharmacy being the highest ranking service provider with an exceptional service rating of 38%.

Pharmacy specific brands were surveyed from a pool of 1, 164 people with other pharmacy brands ranking high as well. These were -

  1. Amcal 43%
  2. Soul Pattinson 38%
  3. Guardian 35%
  4. Chemmart 32%
  5. Priceline 29%
  6. Terry White and Chemist Warehouse tied at 28%,

Source:, Thursday 6 November 2014