
Six Ways to Reduce Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is the most common and yet highly preventable cause of heart disease and stroke in Australia and worldwide. If we could tackle high blood pressure effectively, experts say we could reduce the death rate in Australia by 25 per cent.

It is recommended that your blood pressure be measured by a doctor, at least in the first instance. Anything higher than 120 mmHg over 80 mmHg, generally written as 120/80, may be above normal in an adult.

For most people, the lower your blood pressure, the better (and the lower your risk of stroke and heart disease, all other things being equal). While there's not much you can do about factors you inherit that contribute to high blood pressure, modifying your lifestyle can make a big difference – reducing or eliminating the need for medication.

Read about the six ways you can reduce you blood pressure here.

Learn more about high blood pressure and how to manage it effectively by completing the modules below.

Source:…/feat…/stories/2014/03/31/3971069.htm, &; 7 November 2014